With a growing need for sustainability of our planet, Pickashirt gives  customers the opportunity to ‘Go Green‘ when purchasing their shirt.

Our Go Green shirts have green stitching on the button-hole of the left cuff.

Select one of our Go Green shirts and 10% of the profit will be donated to a non-profit environmental organization in your country.

Profits will be donated to the country in which you reside based on your delivery address.

Where will the money go?

Australia – Earthwatch Australia
United States – Earthwatch USA
United Kingdom – Earthwatch UK
Canada – Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society
Other Countries – Earthwatch Iternational

How do our Go Green shirts differ from our regular shirts?

The only difference between our Go Green shirts and our standard shirts is the green stitching on the button hole of the left cuff. Otherwise, the shirts are identical to our standard product.

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